Work Skills
Curriculum Intent
Work Skills is a timetabled provision in the KS3 curriculum. We work to ensure the specific and individual needs of our students are met by utilising their aspirations to drive their learning. The Work Skills lessons allow our pupils to enter KS4 with an understanding of likely jobs and careers they may want when they get to adulthood. Students will have discussions with an independent Careers Advisor Connexions who work in partnership with the school.
To curriculum allows promotion of the provision of stretch and challenge to all students at Manor.
To develop and embed schemes of learning that embrace fundamental British values, rule of law, democracy, healthy living, careers’ guidance and the promotion of citizenship.
Curriculum Implementation
Implementation is how the curriculum is delivered; it is the journey of learning from Year 7 through to Year 9.
In Work Skills we seek to develop a broad, rich and rigorous curriculum that stretches and challenges all our students.
The Work Skills team have collaborative meetings and training on how to develop their pedagogy and expertise in the area of Skills Builder and the 8 No. essential skills.
Students are generally taught in pastoral groups and teachers are expected to differentiate to ensure there is stretch and challenge for all abilities in every class.
The Work Skills department has planned out topics in detailed medium-term plans (MTP), which include practical world of work focussed lessons and the Skills Builder Universal Framework ( This will allow students to build their own essential skills of listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork.
These MTP are quality assured by senior leaders to ensure there is depth of knowledge at Key Stage 3 and students feel safe and secure to discuss topics and explore the world of work whilst providing the students with an understanding of likely jobs and careers they may want when they get to adulthood access courses.
Students receive 1 No. lesson of Work Skills per week.
Planned, structured and sequenced lessons.
Qualified and trained staff who have regular CPD.
Adhere to schools marking and feedback policy.
Consistency in expectations of behaviour management in line with school policy.
Cross curricular opportunities within school.
Curriculum Impact
hese lessons aim to utilise Work Skills and our impartial Careers Advisor (in KS4) to provide our students with the opportunities they need to progress successfully to their chosen destination when they leave school. Our school utilises lessons and work place visits to give our students a wide variety or opportunities so that they can progress from school and be in the best possible position to achieve their own individual aspirations.
All teachers have high expectations of all students, whether in terms of upholding the core values of the school or in respect to their own progress and responsibilities within Work Skills lessons. Expectations of behaviour and learning are visible to students in their books. The Lead for Work Skills monitors student progress throughout the year and uses the assessment tools to ensure that the needs of all students are being met. This is done by utilising assessment data in a meaningful way, for example; to address misconceptions in learning and to target intervention to improve individual outcomes and monitor progress.
Equal Opportunities and Inclusion
The Work Skills department follows the school’s Equal Opportunities Policy. Every effort is made to ensure that all pupils regardless of ethnicity, religion, creed, gender and physical challenge can experience all of the opportunities available to them. The Work Skills department actively supports the school’s Disability Equality Scheme, which states a commitment to equality of opportunity, freedom from discrimination and an active support of any initiatives that maximise the achievements of everyone.
Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural
Rationale: The provision of a Work Skills curriculum at Manor Academy involves more than coverage of the National Curriculum outcomes and the Skills Builder Essential Skills; it also encompasses experiences of ‘cultural capital, Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural experiences and knowledge of democracy and the rule of law.
Careers Education Information and Guidance
See careers page on Manor Academy website (