Curriculum Intent
RE at Manor Academy takes account of the Trafford Agreed Syllabus. The RE curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to develop an understanding of and respect for a variety of religious and non-religious beliefs. RE enables pupils to develop their ideas, values and identities. Pupils also develop skills to make considered judgements about religion and non-religious beliefs in British society today. Our aim is that all pupils access the RE curriculum and make progress. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop further individual literacy and numeracy skills and support their learning in other subject areas such as personal development, humanities and Workskills. The fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs are an extremely important part of the RE curriculum at Manor Academy.
Curriculum Implementation
All pupils have access to an RE curriculum which is broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated. Activities, discussions, debates and games enable pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of RE through a wide range of challenging learning experiences. All pupils develop a better understanding of and respect for their own and other people’s religious views and non-religious beliefs in today’s multi-faith society. The use of solo taxonomy, scaffolding, Educater assessment tracker and work scrutiny enable us to monitor pupil progress.
Curriculum Impact
Pupils work independently and as part of a team to enhance skills, knowledge, success, confidence and respect for life in modern day Britain. In summary, Re at Manor Academy develops pupils':
- Knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other main world religions and traditions as well as non-religious beliefs.
- understanding and respect for various religions and non-religions, their beliefs, values and traditions
- awareness of similarities and differences within different religious and non-religious groups such as celebrations, milestones and worship
- knowledge, understanding and meaning of religious stories and texts
- understanding of the impact on believers; everyday lives and any challenges believers may face in following their religion.
Extra Curricular
Trafford Youth for Christ (TYFC) visit Manor Academy at least twice per academic year to deliver sessions. TYFC is a global charity which aims to bring Christianity to young people. All TYFC’s sessions follow the curriculum closely incorporating a variety of interactive teaching methods and styles. Pupils can question what TYFC believe and are able to explore their own ideas and beliefs in the sessions.
Equal Opportunities and Inclusion
Careers Education Information and Guidance
From September 2021, staff have introduced the new Skills Builder Universal Framework across the curriculum. Pupils have the opportunitity to use 8 essential skills of listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive aiming high, leadership and teamwork in their RE lessons
Year 7
By studying signs and symbols, pupils learn about how important they are at conveying information in the workplace. By studying festivals, pupils gain an insight into events’ careers such as hospitality. By studying the Eightfold Path in Buddhism, pupils gain an insight into compassionate careers such as nursing.
Year 8
By studying about religious leaders, pupils experience leadership and perseverance skills which are key in certain jobs such as managers and team leaders. By studying Hindu Gods, pupils learn about each God’s role and how understanding your role is important in your job. By learning about religious and non-religious organisations that help those in need, pupils will learn about paid and voluntary charity roles. Pupils will also gain an insight into fairtrade business.
Year 9
By studying important religious and non-religious celebrations, pupils will learn about jobs involved in such ceremonies from the preparation, the celebration itself and the jobs needed to be done afterwards. By studying Jewish beliefs and practices, pupils will learn about how religions can impact on people’s working hours e.g., observing the Sabbath.
Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development is at the heart of RE at Manor Academy.
The spiritual development of pupils is shown by their:
- reflecting on their own beliefs (religious or otherwise), their experiences and perspective on life
- knowledge of, and respect for, people’s religions, feelings, and values
- interest and enjoyment in learning about themselves, others, and the world around them
- use of creativity in their learning
The moral development of pupils is shown by their:
- knowing the difference between right and wrong and using this understanding in their own lives.
- understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions
- giving views on moral and ethical issues and the ability to understand the viewpoints of others on these issues
The social development of pupils is shown by their:
- use of social skills, for example, working and socialising with pupils including those from different religious, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds
- willingness to co-operate well with others and being encouraged to resolve any conflicts effectively
- acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- Developing and demonstrating skills and attitudes that will allow them to fully and positively engage in life in modern Britain
The cultural development of pupils is shown by their:
- understanding, appreciation and respect of the range of different cultures in Manor Academy and beyond in their preparation for life in Britain today
- ability to identify the things people share in common across cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities
- willingness to participate in and respond positively to cultural opportunities
- Showing respect for different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities
Useful websites for RE:
- (for facts)
- (search primary and secondary)