Curriculum Intent
In Art we strive to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art and explore the world around them.
- Children learn to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design.
- Children learn about how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
- Children learn to value their own creations and the art made by others.
- Children learn to respond to a theme through an extended learning journey.
- Children produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
- Children learn to use a wide variety of skills, processes and materials through which to develop a visual language of their own.
Curriculum Implementation
- Design and make an evolving longterm plan that provides a wide range of creative experiences that are linked to the National Curriculum and reflect the interests and lives of the children at the school.
- Practical demonstrations and workshops are delivered live and staff can join in and model the practical activities the children are engaged in.
- Students have ownership of their outcomes. Artwork is never permanently marked or changed by the adult without the permission of the artist.
- Projects run over a course of 6 to 12 hours. Each project is linked to at least two artworks that students can contrast and find inspiration from.
- Each project introduces new skills, materials and processes from which students can select or combine to produce their own conclusion. All students should have the opportunity to and be encouraged to draw in previous experiences and wider knowledge into their conclusions.
- Student art always has a purpose or function and should be critical analysed in the same manner, and with the same reverence as the art that they study.
- Connections should be drawn between the artwork children study to its’ historical, geographic, social and cultural context using their experience and knowledge from their wider learning.
Curriculum Impact
- Children can read and critically evaluate intent and purpose in visual arts and media that they engage with in the world.
- Learners gain the confidence to see unintended outcomes as positive learning experiences; and recognise and learn from serendipitous outcomes.
- Children have a better understanding of graphic communication both in reading visual conventions and in using them for their own purposes.
- Children are more able to work on an extended project either as individuals contributing to a larger theme or as part of a team.
- Children have a better understanding of the health and safety responsibilities of an employer, colleagues and themselves.
- Children learn to connect and adapt their wider learning experiences into a single, extended project.
- Children set personal goals and take ownership of a learning journey to reach them.
Extra Curricular Activities
Equal Opportunities and Inclusion
Careers Education Information and Guidance
Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural