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Pictor Acadmey

Succeeding Together



Curriculum Intent


Our intent is enable all of our students to access the content and make progress through the curriculum. The English Department aspires to deliver the subject in ways that meet the individual needs of all our students within an engaging learning environment. Our curriculum is created to develop pupils’ abilities in spoken language, reading and writing in order to improve their life opportunities and allow students to access the full curriculum.  We regularly assess the progress of our students and when necessary, intervention sessions are offered to further develop students’ skills and shape further learning.

Curriculum Implementation

We promote reading for pleasure and enjoyment, as well as during structured lessons. We provide opportunities for pupils to access a variety of texts in preparation for their adult lives including emails, appropriate websites, forms and letters. This is done using a differentiated curriculum and through a range of learning programmes such as morning reading intervention sessions, the Lexia online reading scheme and phonics programs. The use of WRAT attainment assessments, Nara reading and comprehension assessments, work scrutiny, solo taxonomy and ongoing skills assessments, enable us to monitor progress and ensure that interventions are targeted.

The ability to write or type is an important life skill. Our curriculum is planned to meet the needs of all of our students.  Writing is a complex process that requires many skills such as; handwriting, vocabulary choice, spelling, sentence structure and awareness of audience. Our students are taught the skills of writing across a range of different genres including creative and functional English. We use a range of tools to support our emerging writers, including the use of ICT and programmes such as   Clicker 7, Cloze Pro and Write Online. We identify progress through regular marking of students work; written assessment tasks; whole school scaffolding key, solo taxonomy and Educater online pupil tracking assessment.

The ability to speak and listen is paramount to students’ language and social development. All our students are provided with opportunities to improve their skills in speaking and listening across different audiences and for different purposes. They will refine listening and responding to others in order to develop effective communication skills, which will support them in school, at home and in the wider community. To facilitate this, students will be provided with opportunities to take turns speaking in groups in order to develop discussion and deliberation skills. They will respond to others’ ideas, ask and answer questions, and make a clear and convincing argument. Where appropriate, Speech and Language intervention is also provided. Throughout the year, we provide opportunities for self, peer and teacher led assessment and the use of solo taxonomy to ensure students make progress.



All pupils have 4 periods of English per week. Key Stage 3 pupils will have dedicated Library time to read for pleasure with the guidance of teaching staff. They will also study a variety of texts including Shakespeare, poetry, study of a novel and key English Skills. Key Stage 4 pupils will engage on skills necessary to achieve certification, studying a variety of texts and continue to build their understanding of how English is used ready for adult life.


Curriculum Impact


Reading is central to the curriculum, in order to foster thinking skills, increase vocabulary and widen students’ understanding of the world. Pupils are able to use their skills to enhance their learning for their future.


 Pupils have the skills to communicate in the written word at their own level. Pupils have an understanding of the written word and are confident in their ability to communicate in the written or typed word.


Pupils have the skills in speaking and listening to communicate effectively in a variety of settings to a range of audiences.



Some pupils require extra support to engage fully with the curriculum. We provide a number of small group interventions to support learning across the curriculum. These include:

Reading for understanding Morning intervention

Lexia Online Intervention

Speech and Language Intervention

Phonics Intervention

Handwriting/Letter formation Intervention

Equal Opportunities and Inclusion

The English Department takes pride in providing opportunities to include and support all pupils, regardless of their social or academic background. This is acknowledged, for example, through differentiation within lessons and the provision of resources to support individual needs. Pupils who receive Pupil Premium are able to access additional support through our intervention programme

Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural


The English Department pride themselves on a welcoming and multi-cultural ethos. All pupils, staff and other adults are treated with respect, tolerance and understanding. We encourage the pupils to support and understand all faiths and ethnicities in our lessons and provide a safe and nurturing environment to all pupils. We use relevant and up to date information within the lesson structure to ensure pupils are aware of British Values and global events.


Careers Education Information and Guidance

English Curriculum Framework

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