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Pictor Acadmey

Succeeding Together



Curriculum Intent


We aim to ensure our learners understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for adult life in modern Britain. We aim to equip children with these essential skills for life by developing their knowledge, skills and attributes children need to protect and enhance their wellbeing. Through PSD students will learn how to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, responsibly participating in society around them. Through PSD we aim to cover a wide range of the social and emotional aspects of learning, enabling students to develop their identity and self-esteem as active, confident members of their community. These themes and topics support social, moral and cultural development and provide students with protective teaching on essential safeguarding issues, developing their knowledge of when and how they ask for help.

We actively promote the basic British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.

Curriculum Implementation


PSD helps students to develop life skills to ensure they are well prepared to respect and contribute to the wider society. We aim to do this by providing a safe, engaging learning environment for our pupils using a differentiated PSD curriculum and a range of workshops such as: CPR, anti-bullying, youth parliament, managing risks, making safe and responsible choices and healthy lifestyle and wellbeing.  The use of scaffolding, solo taxonomy and Educator enable us to monitor progress and ensure that all students access PSD.

Curriculum Impact

PSD will enable students to feel positive about who they are and to enjoy healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. Through active learning opportunities, pupils will learn to recognise and manage risk, take increasing responsibility for themselves, their choices and behaviours and make positive contributions to their families, schools and communities.

Students will learn to recognise, develop and communicate their qualities, skills and attitudes. They build knowledge, confidence and self-esteem and make the most of their abilities. Students will learn to identify and articulate feelings and emotions learn to manage new or difficult situations positively and form and maintain effective relationships with a wide range of people.


Students will gain ASDAN qualifications at the end of Year 11.


Equal Opportunities and Inclusion

Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural


Through ensuring our children’s SMSC development we actively promote the fundamental British values – Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.


At Manor Academy, Student Voice is highly valued and used to make improvements to children’s wellbeing and their education and are able to make a real difference for their peers in school. 

Spiritual development: We explore the beliefs and experiences of ourselves and others; discuss the importance of respecting all beliefs and faiths; learn about and discuss our feelings and values and those of others. 

Moral development: We learn about and discuss things that are right and wrong; learn about the law and the importance of it; begin to consider our actions and the consequence of them; consider, discuss and debate ethical issues; offer reasoned views. 

Social development: We consider all of the groups and communities that we are part of; participate in our local community; learn how to resolve conflict; engage with the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.

Cultural development: We become aware of cultural influences; learn about the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity

Careers Education Information and Guidance


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PSD Curriculum overview

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