Curriculum Intent
In history we endeavour to give the students access to a variety of historical experiences through lessons and trips to inspire pupils to dive into the rich history of the world.
Children are engaged and motivated to deepen their knowledge further in specific areas linked to the curriculum
Develop cross curricular links and strengthen further links with the local and wider community and global world.
Deepen children’s knowledge and understanding by planning extracurricular visits.
Increase the children’s knowledge of local history and environment.
Learn how to interpret the past using high quality primary and secondary source materials.
Encourage children to build up a deeper appreciation of where we come from and what aspects of history have influenced modern day.
In geography we study local, national and global places and look at how lives are different. We also study our locality and have talks from the local history group who can explain geographical features, which link in with history.
Ensure the National Curriculum for geography is implemented across the school and is designed and taught effectively to demonstrate progress.
Carry out a local Geographical study and compare to an alternative location.
Cross curricular links and ensure children have access to maps, atlas and globe.
Curriculum Implementation
Design and construct a varied and engaging long term plan that is ambitious and ensures the topics are linked to the National Curriculum but are also linked to the interests of the children in school.
Teachers have good knowledge of the subject they are teaching
When designing a bespoke medium and long term plan links are made to ensure that the current topic is taught across all subjects.
Ongoing – guest speakers are invited from the local and wider community to share their knowledge of the surrounding area.
School trips planned as appropriate.
Design and construct a varied and engaging long term plan that is ambitious and ensures the topics are linked to the National Curriculum but are also linked to the interests of the children in school.
Use a variety of maps including ordnance survey.
Ensure that resources / classroom displays support the learning of all children.
Children have access to technology to access digital maps.
Children have the opportunity to explore the local environment and develop field work skills.
Ensure that the children have an understanding of the local and wider community through working with the Historical Society and the Church Project Group.
Curriculum Impact
Children are engaged and motivated to learn, to develop their understanding further.
Learners develop a detailed knowledge.
Ensuring that cross curricular links are made and therefore deepens the children’s knowledge.
Children understand the importance of presentation and quality of work is essential in all areas.
All children from key stage 3 increase their knowledge of the area they live.
Engage all children more thoroughly, especially those children who learn in a more visual and interactive manner.
Children will develop contextual knowledge of globally significant places, both land and sea.
Children will understand how the geographical features of the world can vary and change over time.
Children will be able to collect and analyse data following field work.
Children will learn to read and interpret maps, globes etc.
Children will gain a deeper knowledge of their community.
Equal Opportunities and Inclusion
Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural
Geography Geography is about studying links between the physical and human world. It’s about developing an understanding of scale and accepting the important of how small changes such as climate can have far reaching consequences on our population, biodiversity and planet.
History The study of History involves a sense of curiosity and the mystery of how and why events in the past have happened. It raises questions as to what could have happened if events had have had different outcomes. We will study different time periods such as the Tudors and understand how the foundation of the church and religion was a significant aspect of everyday life.
Geography Moral issues are a vital part of many of the topics covered in Geography. Examples include the one child policy in China, the education of women in LIC’s and the aging population in the UK. We explore issues relating to the role of women in society and how this has changed, we look into the events of the civil right marches in USA and Britain and how that had impacts on millions of people globally.
History Pupils are asked to consider and comment on moral questions and dilemmas, events and beliefs in the past and whether these were fair and just. Pupils will be encouraged to show compassion for people facing dilemmas and to empathise with decisions which people in the past made and the reasoning behind these decisions.
Pupils will explore the similarities and contrasts between past and present societies and be made aware of how, in the main, we are very fortunate to live in ‘the modern world’ which links with the value of thankfulness. Pupils will also be encouraged to build up their own social development through collaborative and team working activities.
Fieldwork and Educational Visits
Year 7 History and Geography
Year 8 History
Year 9 History
Careers Education Information and Guidance
All pupils across Key Stage 3 will study Geography and History from Year 7 to Year 9. They will study 6 topics per year including topics such as Earth’s Ecosystems, India, Victorians and the World Wars.
Offering Entry Level Geography as a Key Stage 4 option with hopes to offer Entry Level History as a Key Stage 4 option in the future.