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Pictor Acadmey

Succeeding Together


Careers Guidance

Kristoffer Harries is the school’s named Careers Leader and his email contact is: kharries@manoracademysale.org and can be reached via the school office on 0161 532 3251


Mick McHugh is the school’s Independent Careers Advisor and his contact details are: Mick.McHugh@traffordconnexions.co.uk Tel: 0161 911 8616.


The Government’s careers strategy aims to make sure that all young people in secondary education get a programme of advice and guidance that is stable, structured and delivered by individuals with the right skills and experience.


At Manor Academy we use the Gatsby Benchmarks to measure the quality of our provision. A link to these and our benchmarking results to date can be seen by clicking on the following links:

Gatsby bench marks


Manor Academy Gatsby Results

A stable careers programme


In Key stage 3 Careers forms part of the school curriculum and is taught as a discrete lesson to all pupils. In years 10 and 11carerrs is taught as part of the PSHCE programme of study. ASDAN work related units form the basis of these lessons. Post 16 opportunities for tailored work placements and vocational opportunities build on our effective careers programme.


Addressing the needs of each student

Students have different amounts career guidance at different stages of their time with us. Opportunities for advice and support are tailored to the needs of each student and our careers programme promotes and supports equality and diversity considerations throughout.


Linking curriculum learning to careers

Posters linking curriculum learning with careers are displayed throughout school. All subject teachers are keen to highlight the relevance of their subjects for future career paths.



Experience of workplaces

At Manor Academy we have a work experience programme that creates bespoke work placements catering for pupils interests and abilities. This builds over time to create a variety of experiences. In Manor College pupils are given the opportunity of extended work placements at Manchester Metropolitan University through the bridging the gap initiative link to Bridging The Gap

Encounters with employers and employees

At Manor Academy we invite employers and employees into school to deliver workshops and talks to our students. We also take students into a variety of workplaces and careers events to meet employers and employees. Enterprise activities are also embedded into our KS3 curriculum and our Vocational curriculum in KS4 and KS5.

We also invite past students to talk to our current students about moving on, careers choices and life experiences since leaving Manor Academy.

For our local employers: 

As an employer, what is your average employee age? How stable is your workforce over the next 10-15 years? Do you find it difficult to recruit qualified staff? How do you recruit apprentices? If any on these questions are on your lips as an employer, then you need our help as much as we need yours. 

Working together with schools is now much more than simply meeting corporate social responsibilities, you need our children to develop the skills required to solve your industry challenges. Manor Academy are keen to develop links with employers and would welcome any enquiries. If you feel you may be able to support our careers programme please use the email below. Any employers who have worked with our school and have any feedback about our careers programme, please email: 


Encounters with further and higher education

Our careers programme is designed to ensure that all students understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.



For our families: 

Manor Academy welcome feedback from students and their families. If any students, parents or carers have any feedback about our careers programmes please email: 



For our teachers: 

Please look at all the useful information about Careers on the school website, including the Aims & Objectives, Careers Curriculum (which has a link to the Careers Programme), CDI Careers Framework, Gatsby Benchmarks, Responsibilities, Useful Careers Resources & Websites and Work Related Learning sections. 


The Useful Careers Resources & Websites section may be of particular interest in helping you to link careers to your subject area, as Careers is a whole school responsibility. There are links to the Careers software packages that school purchases each year. To access many short videos linking your subject to different careers you may also find the listed icould website useful, as this allows you to search by subject area and view the available career options: 



We welcome regular feedback

Personal guidance

This is provided by Connexions.

The following links also provide useful sources of independent advice:

Quick Access
