The curriculum at Manor Academy is broad, balanced, challenging and engaging. It prepares students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences which they will encounter after leaving us whilst promoting spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development.
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and is broadly divided into a Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9), Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) a Nurture curriculum and Key Stage 5 (Years 12, 13 and 14) model.
In Years 7-9 all students follow an identical curriculum (in terms of subjects and curriculum time) and are taught in mixed ability groups with teaching being differentiated to both support and challenge all students.
In Years 10 and 11 students follow both a core (English, Maths, Science etc) and options curriculum. The options curriculum allows students to progress further in areas in which they have a particular skill or interest. In keeping with our aim of preparing students for the world of work, students are able to follow a vocation course as part of their options curriculum.
The Equals curriculum is for the pupils who are working at a lower level than the rest of the school. This allows learners to follow a class-based curriculum with more opportunity to focus on topic and enhancing their skills. It enables pupils the opportunity to learn in a secure environment helping to reduce pupils’ anxiety and allow them to develop their skill set in a more nurturing environment. There is a focus on social development and personalised learning within this group.
Our Key Stage 5 curriculum focuses on developing and extending key functional skills in literacy, numeracy and computing alongside vocational courses and work-based learning. In this way our sixth form students are thoroughly prepared for the world of work.
Our curriculum offers a very clear pathway for progression and all courses from Year 10 onwards lead to a qualification of some sort eg. GCSE, BTEC, Level 1 and 2 qualifications, Entry Level Certificate and Functional Skills.
The following document gives an overview of the whole schools curriculum.