Life and Living Skills
Curriculum Intent
The intent of the KS3 Life and Living course and KS4 Independence course is to allow learners to begin to understand the skills needed to become independent young people going on to lead fulfilling lives. Independence will broaden pupils experience; develop their employability skills and personal effectiveness, preparing them for the world outside of the school environment.
Curriculum Implementation
There are two Independent Living courses running across school at KS4. Most students complete the OCR Life and Living units Entry Level 1-3, however some students in year 11 are completing the ASDAN transition challenge and both sessions are delivered through a two sessions a week. At KS3 students in the ASC provision access this lesson to support them with their school life and skills builder criteria as of those students in the main body who do work skills. Learners will have to complete practical assignments as well as compiling a written portfolio of evidence at KS4. Throughout KS3 and KS4 students will be taken to various different places within the community to gain valid life experiences in which they can relate too and use as skills for life.
Learners will begin to manage their own learning, they will plan and take part in various community events throughout their time in this subject particularly at KS4.
Independent Living encourages learners to work both independently and as a group, supporting each other to complete more complex tasks.
Curriculum Impact
The challenges undertaken allow the pupils to develop confidence and build skills used throughout the world of work and to become independent individuals.
These include home management, community and environment, world of work and personal skills
At KS3 Skills Builder criteria is also being worked towards.
Extra Curricular Activities
As part of the life and living curriculum pupils enhance their in classroom learning with a range of activities outside of the classroom. These include but are not limited to:
- Visiting local facilities and understanding how these can be used
- Shopping skills, including organising lists, spending money, checking for change and receipts.
- Independence activities including using public transport
Equal Opportunities and Inclusion
The Life and Living department offer a range of lessons and qualifications to suit the individual needs of all pupils at Manor Academy. All pupils are provided with the same opportunities throughout their life and living lessons.
Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural
Spiritual: Examples: sense of self, unique potential, understanding strengths and weaknesses, curiosity about themselves and their place in the world increases, fundamental questions.
They develop the knowledge, skills, foster their own inner lives and non-material wellbeing.
Moral: Examples: right and wrong, moral conflict, a concern for others, will to do what is right, reflect on the consequences of their actions and learn how to forgive themselves and others. They develop the knowledge, skills, and responsible moral decisions.
Social: Examples: the responsibilities, rights of being members of families and communities (local, national and global), ability to relate to others and to work with others for the common good, belonging and participate, active contribution to the democratic process, communities.
Cultural: Examples: cultural traditions, respect for their own culture and that of others, an interest in differences, understand, appreciate and contribute to culture.
Careers Education Information and Guidance
From September 2021, staff have introduced the new Skills Builder Universal Framework across the curriculum. Pupils have the opportunity to use 8 essential skills of listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive aiming high, leadership and teamwork in their life and living lessons. Careers are identified during life and living sessions including learning and carrying out transferable skills.
Page last updated July 2024